African People’s Home


Beautiful and Diverse People of Africa

We are not Africans because we are born in Africa, we are Africans because Africa is born in us Holocaust
Holocaust Holocaust
Chester Higgins, Jr.

There is no continent more blessed with striking beauty and diversity than the African Motherland. And it was from this physical and genetic diversity that allowed Africans to parent the rest of humanity. Indigenous Africa is testimony to the full spectrum, of skin tones, hair textures, rich religious and cultural practices. However, all this diversity has a political destiny which merges into one African family.

Language African Reality
African: is a term which super-umbrellas all the indigenous ethnicities of the African continent. Therefore an African is exclusively a person from the indigenous ethnic groups found on the continent of Africa and people who trace their ancestry to these groups in the African Diaspora. (African Race) There are at least 3,000 distinct ethnic groups in Africa. Africans, in full diversity

There is more genetic diversity between different African people than between all the races of the world combined. So the difference between Asian and European is less than between Amhara and Hausa. Holocaust
Holocaust Holocaust

Africa has 3000 distinct ethnic groups, 2000 languages. Home to the most genetically diverse people on Earth. So diverse that two Africans are more genetically different from each other than a Chinese and a European are from each other. Africa is the world’s second-largest and second-most-populous continent. At about 30.2 million km², it covers six percent of the Earth’s total surface area and 20.4 percent of the total land area. With approximately 58 countries. It occupies a wide dynamic latitude has; deserts, forest, snow, temperate climate, tropics, sub-tropics, lakes, the longest river, lowest point on Earth, mountain ranges. Now we have to ponder over these figures when we have these vulgar sweeping generalizations, which fit all of this diversity into one and two monolithic boxes. There are generalizations, which do define Africa, but none that are exclusive.


Primary language: Amharic (Afro-Asiatic{Semitic})
Population: 19 Million
Religion: Christianity(81%), Islam (18.1%)
Ethnologue Code: AMH
Related groups: Tigray

The Amhara are the politically and culturally dominant ‘super-ethnic’ group of Ethiopia. They are located primarily in the central highland plateau of Ethiopia and comprise the major population element in the provinces of Begemder and Gojjam and in parts of Shoa and Wallo.

Amhara (አማራ) is an ethnic group in the central highlands of Ethiopia, numbering about 19 million, making up 30.2% of the country’s population according to the most recent 1994 census. They speak Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia, and culturally and politically dominant. Christianity, with the Ethiopian Orthodox
RELIGION: Church playing a central role in the culture of the country and of the Amharic ethnic group. According to the 1994 census, 81.5% of the Amhara Region of Ethiopia were Ethiopian Orthodox, with 18.1% being Muslim, and 0.1% being Protestant. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church maintains close links with the Egyptian Coptic Church. Timkut, Meskel(commemorating the discovery of the True Cross by Queen Eleni in the fourth century), Genet (Xmas 7th Jan), Easter and Epiphany are the most important celebrations, marked with services, feasting and dancing. Most holidays are unique to Ethiopia.

LANGUAGE: Amhara (አማርኛ āmariññā) It is the second most spoken Semitic language in the world, after Arabic. As well as the 2nd largest of the Afro-Asiatic languages (again after Arabic). Amharic has 27 million speakers as a first language, between 7-15 million more as a second language. It is written, with some adaptations, with the Ge’ez alphabet— called, in Ethiopian Semitic languages, ፊደል fidel (‘alphabet,’ ‘letter,’ or ‘character’) and አቡጊዳ abugida

The mother and child remain in the house, for forty days after birth of a boy, eighty for a girl, before going to the church for baptism. A priest usually attends the house to perform circumsissions (male child) as well as blessings. Marriages conducted in a church are not subject to divorce. Weddings celebrations are held by both households called መልስ Mels. Some time in the late middle ages, the Amharic and Tigrinya languages began to be differentiated. Amhara warlords often competed for dominance of the realm with Tigrayan warlords. While mkbv.any branches of the Imperial dynasty were from the Amharic speaking area, a substantial amount were from Tigray. The Amharas seemed to gain the upper hand with the accession of the so-called Gondar line of the Imperial dynasty in the beginning of the 17th century. However, it soon lapsed into the semi-anarchic era of Zemene Mesafint (“Era of the Princes”), in which rivalling warlords fought for power and the Yejju Oromo inderases (or regents) had effective control, while emperors were just as figureheads.

The Tigrayans only made a brief return to the throne in the person of Yohannes IV, whose death in 1889 allowed the base to return to the Amharic speaking province of Shewa. Historians generally consider the Amhara to have been Ethiopia’s ruling elite for centuries, represented by the line of Emperors ending in Haile Selassie. One possible source of confusion for this stems from the mislabeling of all Amharic-speakers as “Amhara”, and the fact that many people from other ethnic groups have Amharic names. Another is the fact that most Ethiopians can trace their ancestry to multiple ethnic groups. In fact, the last Emperor, Haile Selassie I, often counted himself a member of the Gurage ethnic group on account of his ancestry, and his Empress, Itege Menen Asfaw of Ambassel, was in large part of Oromo descent. The expanded use of Amharic language results mostly from its being the language of the court, and was gradually adopted out of usefulness by many unrelated groups, who then became known as “Amhara” no matter what their ethnic origin. (multi-ethnicity who identify as Amhara, just like Zulu people)


See African Marriage Rituals

The Afar people live primarily in Ethiopia and the areas of Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia in the Horn of Africa. They are know for their hostility to foreigners and for the notorious ritual of taken male genitalia as trophies. The Afar are an Muslim people related to the Oromo people.


Ashanti (people) or Asante, African people of the Twi (Tshi) linguistic stock, living principally in the Ashanti region of Ghana. The Ashanti people are composed of numerous tribes, notably the Dwaben, Mampon, Ofinsu, Nkwanta, Adansi, Daniassi, Nsuta, and Kumasi. Features of Ashanti tribal organization include ruling chieftains and common ownership of land. Ashanti religion is a mixture of animism and ancestor worship, and in the past human sacrifice was practiced. Renowned as warriors and as artisans—especially in cotton weaving, pottery making, and the manufacture of gold and silver ornaments—the Ashanti also are skillful farmers.
The Anlo-Ewe people are today in the southeastern corner of the Republic of Ghana. They settled here around 1474 after escaping from their past home of Notsie.